
Confronting discrimination. Overcoming HIV-related stigma and discrimination in healthcare settings and beyond


Год: 2017

Источник: UNAIDS


Irrational fears of HIV infection and negative attitudes and judgements towards people living with HIV persist despite decades of public information campaigns and other awareness-raising efforts. Populations at increased risk of HIV infection face high levels of stigma due to, among other things, their gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, drug use or sex work. Stigma towards people living with or at risk of HIV drives acts of discrimination in all sectors of society—from public officials, police officers and health-care workers to the workplace, schools and communities. In many countries, discriminatory laws and policies reinforce an environment of violence and marginalization. This stigma and discrimination discourages people from accessing
health-care services, including HIV prevention methods, learning their HIV status, enrolling in care and adhering to treatment.
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