
Resolution adopted by European Parliament condemns criminalization of same-sex relations in Uzbekistan

Ноябрь 01, 2023
Логотип ECOM для новостей
The European Parliament has issued a resolution on Uzbekistan, condemning the criminalization of same-sex relations in the country. This is an important step towards ensuring human rights and equality for the LGBT community in the country.

The resolution draws attention to Article 120 of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan, which has long been a matter of debate. This article criminalizes consensual same-sex relations between men and provides for severe penalties, including imprisonment for up to three years. This draconian law not only violates the fundamental human rights of gay and bisexual people, but also contributes to an atmosphere of hostility and discrimination against the entire LGBT community.

As the resolution points out, the criminalization of same-sex relations leads not only to legal consequences, but also to the further marginalization of LGBT people. It creates a climate of intimidation, harassment, violence and stigma against them, preventing them from accessing basic rights and services. It also makes it much more difficult for them to live an open and free life.

In 2022 alone, ECOM registered 80 human rights violations in Uzbekistan, and 5 of them were court verdicts under Article 120.

The European Parliament called on the government of Uzbekistan to adopt a comprehensive anti-discrimination law that explicitly includes sexual orientation and gender identity among protected characteristics, and to reconsider the adoption of secondary legislation proposed in August 2022. It provides for mandatory HIV testing of so-called "dangerous groups" including "men who have sex with men, sex workers and drug users." Such a requirement is not only discriminatory, but also violates the individual's right to privacy and consent to medical examination.

The European Parliament also called on the government of Uzbekistan to allow independent human rights organizations, including international human rights groups, to work in the country without undue government interference. This is a crucial step to ensure transparency, accountability and the protection of human rights.

The adoption of this resolution by the European Parliament is a powerful signal to the government of Uzbekistan and the international community that discrimination and criminalization on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity are inadmissible.


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