
Moving Together Towards Quality and Equality: Improved Sustainable Services for ISPs in EECA

О проекте

The Eurasian Regional Consortium was established in 2015 by three regional community networks in response to the urgent need for closer collaboration between community-led networks in the EECA region. This collaboration was aimed at addressing a common threat to the sustainability of HIV programs for key populations and people living with HIV. To date, the Consortium has achieved significant results in strengthening the capacity of communities to conduct budget reporting and to monitor funding for services for key populations in the region. As part of this project, ECOM focuses on budget advocacy to expand national packages of services and on community-led monitoring of HIV services for MSM and trans people.

Start and end dates for the project

2022 - 2024

Цели проекта

1. Capacity development for regional networks, Consortium members.

2. Improving access of key populations in the EECA region to quality, needs-based HIV services through the development of a community-led monitoring system and improving the quality of services provided online and remotely.

Задачи проекта

The goal of the Eurasian Regional Consortium (ERC) is to address the challenges faced by various regional community-led networks and their members in advocating for the sustainable funding of high-quality HIV services in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA).

The goal of the consortium in this project is to promote an intersectional approach to the provision of HIV services for key populations in the EECA region.

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