
Expression abridged a legal analysis of anti-LGBT propaganda laws


Год: 2018

Источник: IGLYO


This report and the information it contains is provided for general information purposes only. It has been prepared as a work of legal research only and does not represent legal advice in respect of international law, European Union law, the laws of Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Poland, Belarus, Latvia, Ukraine or Lithuania. It does not purport to be complete or to apply to any particular factual or legal circumstances. It does not constitute, and must not be relied or acted upon as, legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship with any person or entity.
Neither IGLYO, nor any other contributor to this report, nor the Thomson Reuters Foundation, accepts responsibility for losses that may arise from reliance upon the information contained in this report or any inaccuracies therein, including changes in the law since the research commenced in October 2015. Legal advice should be obtained from legal counsel qualified in the relevant jurisdiction(s) when dealing with specific circumstances. Neither the Thomson Reuters Foundation, IGLYO, nor any of
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