
National report on violations of the rights of LGBT people and MSM in Armenia


Год: 2024

Источник: ECOM


Авторы: Luiza Vardanyan

The rights of LGBT people are regularly violated in Armenia. This has been reported by human rights organizations and activists in Armenia, as well as by international organizations, which devote separate sections to the problem of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in their annual reports.

In this report for 2023, ECOM presents cases of discrimination and related offenses based on SOGI and HIV status. Over the course of the year, cases of violence against LGBT people and MSM committed by members of their families, as well as offenses based on discrimination on the part of law enforcement agencies were recorded. Cases of brutal murders of trans women and cases of suicide and suicide attempts by gay men were also documented.

The report consists of five sections. The introduction presents the general situation with respect to the rights of LGBT people and MSM in Armenia and outlines the structure of the report.

The next section presents the data collection methodology used to prepare the report.

The section "National legislation in the field of health" briefly presents the legal norms in force in Armenia that are directly or indirectly related to issues of discrimination and health.

The next section presents cases of rights violations documented by ECOM in 2023.

The last section provides a general analysis of the rights violations. As a result of this analysis, discriminatory motives for rights violations were identified, and quantitative data was obtained. Based on this data, recommendations were developed to facilitate respect for and promotion of the rights of LGBT people and MSM.

The publication was prepared by ECOM and published as part of the Regional project "Sustainability of services for key populations in the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia" (SoS_project 2.0), implemented by a consortium of organizations led by the Alliance for Public Health in partnership with the CO "100% Life", with financial support from the Global Fund.
The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and may not reflect the views of the consortium organizations as well as the Global Fund.
The Global Fund was not involved in agreeing and approving either the material itself or the possible conclusions from it.
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