
National report on violations of the rights of LGBT people and MSM in Uzbekistan


Год: 2-24

Источник: ECOM


This report was compiled based on the Protocol of the national report on violations of the rights of gay men, other MSM and trans people, in particular the right to health. The national report is based on systematized information on cases of violations of the right to health (cases documented during the year) in Uzbekistan, collected using tools provided by ECOM and partner initiatives, as well as a brief analysis of the legal environment.

Goal of collecting information: identify cases of human rights violations, in particular the right to health among LGBT people and other MSM.

The following research methods were used as part of monitoring:
  1. Personal interviews — personal meetings with victims and/or witnesses of human rights violations;
  2. Surveys — in order to identify witnesses and/or victims from the LGBT+ community;
  3. Online interviews — online survey of victims, for those who were not comfortable meeting in person due to fears of disclosure of their identity, mistrust, and/or forced relocation to other countries due to rights violations and persecution, both from government agencies and from civil society. Secret chats and/or audio calls on Messenger or Telegram were used to conduct online interviews;
  4. Desk research on national legislation, the regulatory framework, media publications, and on publications of bloggers and religious figures;
  5. Documentation of cases using the REAct system, followed by an analysis of documented cases.

Monitoring human rights violations and collecting cases was carried out with the participation of:
  1. LGBT communities (documenters, volunteers involved in the project and providing support for its implementation, social circles of volunteers, participants on social networks and their social circle);
  2. Representatives of friendly media;
  3. Human rights groups, feminist organizations working for women’s rights, which operate more openly within Uzbekistan and partner with LGBT+ human rights organizations in Uzbekistan;
  4. Friendly specialists, including staff of AIDS centers in Uzbekistan.

The publication was prepared by ECOM and published as part of the Regional project "Sustainability of services for key populations in the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia" (SoS_project 2.0), implemented by a consortium of organizations led by the Alliance for Public Health in partnership with the CO "100% Life", with financial support from the Global Fund.
The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and may not reflect the views of the consortium organizations as well as the Global Fund.
The Global Fund was not involved in agreeing and approving either the material itself or the possible conclusions from it.
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