
Online care: Mapping digital and remote medical and social services for key populations in relation to HIV in the region of CEECA


Год: 2020


This report is the result of the mapping of digital (online) and remote medical and social services for representatives of key populations in the CEECA region, which was initiated by the Eurasian Regional Consortium (ERC) as part of the project «Thinking Outside the Box: Overcoming challenges in community advocacy for sustainable and high-quality HIV services» with the support of the Robert Carr Fund for Civil Society Networks (RCF).

The report describes existing practices of providing services to key populations in different countries of the CEECA region using online technologies, as well as the needs of NGOs and beneficiaries for the effective implementation of such ser-vices. The results of this analysis can be useful for both NGOs and state medical institutions providing digital or remote medical and social services to key populations, as well as for organizations that are just planning to introduce such ser-vices. In addition, the information provided can be used to promote and advocate for digital and remote medical and social services for key populations in the CEECA region.
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