
Surrounded by hate: Regional report on violations of the right to health of gay men, other MSM and trans people in the EECA region in 2021


Год: 2022

Источник: ECOM


Авторы: Nadira Masiumova, Elvira Tilek kyzy, Yuri Yoursky

This “Regional report on violations of the right to health of gay men, other MSM and trans people in the EECA region in 2021” was prepared using the results of a consolidated analysis based on data collected by ECOM’s consultants as part of monitoring of violations of the right to health in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine. All the cases are linked by the SOGI or HIV status of the victims, on the basis of which there was a violation of human rights. In addition to the countries mentioned above, the report also examines the legislation of Georgia and Moldova.
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