
Regional Report on Violations of the Right to Health of gay men, other MSM and trans people in the CEECA region in 2018


Год: 2019

Источник: ECOM


This is a consolidated report, which is build on five national reports developed by the country teams and aims to illustrate the social, institutional and legal barriers that limit the opportunities of gay men, other MSM and trans people to fully realize their right to health in the CEECA region. It provides an overview of the typical gaps in the legislative frameworks on the cross-cutting themes of SOGI-based discrimination and HIV. The report compares the cases of discrimination collected in 2017 and 2018 and describes any changes and developments since publishing the first report in 2017.

The information presented in this document may be useful for non-governmental organizations, community activists, and government representatives in planning advocacy processes and in promoting the rights of gay men, other MSM and trans people, as well as in overcoming barriers that limit their access to services.
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