
Annual Report: Technical Support

Июнь 21, 2016
Логотип ECOM для новостей
Annual Report: Technical Support
Throughout 2015, ECOM played a key role as a provider of technical support to MSM and LGBT community organizations in the region. The provision of technical support to ECOM’s partners in the region is aimed at increasing the capacity of MSM and LGBT community organizations and ensuring that they will become sustainable and capable stakeholders in the response to the HIV epidemic and the fight for LGBT rights.

ECOM’s Technical Support Coordinator, Gennady Roshchupkin. Credit: ECOM.

As ECOM’s Technical Support Coordinator, Gennady Roshchupkin was involved in a number of technical support activities in different EECA countries. Roshchupkin represented ECOM at a meeting of the HIV/AIDS Coordination Committee of the Russian Federation. Roshchupkin was responsible for developing a document with objectives and guidelines for Committee members to use when conducting project site visits. This document was later adopted as the official Committee guidelines. In addition, he developed a Terms of Reference document for the Russian Federation MSM and HIV Expert Group. The document included provisions on the group’s working procedures, as well as guidelines for electing group members. The Principle Recipient of the Global Fund grant and LGBT community representatives involved in the Committee used this document to hold elections for the expert group and to begin its operations. At this meeting, Roshchupkin also provided LGBT community representatives on the Committee with a consultation on reducing conflicts of interest, implementing oversight mechanisms, and on improving community engagement.

ECOM recently provided technical support to its member organization, NGO “Vstrecha” from Belarus. Roshchupkin assisted “Vstrecha” with analyzing its organizational capacity. Roshchupkin also developed a road map to ensure “Vstrecha’s” future participation and contribution to ECOM’s upcoming regional program.

In December, Roshchupkin also participated at the Dialogue of Trans* Community Representatives from Eastern Europe and Central Asia in Kiev, Ukraine. In conjunction with the Trans* Dialogue Meeting, Roshchupkin prepared a number of presentations and also acted as the meeting facilitator.

In 2016, ECOM hopes to develop its technical support program and to continue providing partners with the needed support to increase their capacity and to continue to engage in the fight against the HIV epidemic in the region.

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