
ECOM Becomes a Member of ILGA

Август 31, 2016
Логотип ECOM для новостей
The Eurasian Coalition on Male Health’s (ECOM) proposal to join the biggest international LGBTI association, ILGA (International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association), has been reviewed and approved.

“ECOM’s membership in ILGA provides us with additonal opportunities to advocate for the rights of MSM and trans*people in the EECA region, as well as to form new partnerships and continue fruitful collaboration,” stated ECOM’s Executive Director Vitaly Djuma.

With more than 1200 members in 125 countries, ILGA is the leading advocate and umbrella organization for the LGBTI community. Founded in 1978, ILGA works to develop its network of LGBTI organizations around the world, cooperates closely with the UN, and fights against discrimination by removing legal barriers and raising awareness on LGBTI-related topics.

In addition, ILGA offers training and experience exchange opportunities for community activists and the employees of LGBTI organizations. “We hope that our membership in ILGA will be useful for both ECOM, as well as for ILGA itself,” Djuma added.


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