
ECOM Hosts a Successful Regional Consultation on human rights and HIV epidemic among MSM and transgenders in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Декабрь 01, 2014
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On the eve of the World AIDS Day, the Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM) hosted a successful consultation on the importance of human rights in the context of the HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender people (TG), attended by over 20 representatives from around the EECA region.

The regional consultation was organized with generous support from UNDP and it took place in Chisinau, Moldova, on 29 November 2014. It presented a unique and valuable opportunity to foster and strengthen communication and understanding between LGBT community members, HIV service experts and government representatives.  The input from all sides of the discussion was invaluable and allowed a wide-range of experience and expertise to inform an active response to the HIV epidemic in this region.

Over the course of the day-long consultation, the participants were able to discuss new global HIV initiatives, such as the UNAIDS 90-90-90 treatment target and WHO Consolidated guidelines on HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for key populations, as well as regional and national instruments of human rights protection.  In addition, participants evaluated the public health and human rights situations in Moldova, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, and Georgia.  LGBT and HIV related discrimination and stigma were cited as significant obstacles to achieving equal rights and access to care for MSM and TG. Participants agreed that community empowerment and sensitization towards LGBT issues are all essential to promote both health and human rights of  gay men, other MSM and TG.

Vitaly Djuma, the Chair of ECOM’s Steering Committee said: “The HIV epidemic among MSM and TG continues to grow in EECA; at the same time many countries of the region face increasing homophobia. Thus it was important for partners from LGBT community, HIV and MSM services, and government and UN structures to take stock of where we stand and what we can and should do to counteract negative regional trends. I am glad that ECOM gave space for an honest and productive discussion”.

Not only did ECOM’s regional consultation open a lively dialogue between various stakeholders, it also allowed participants to make practical recommendations to inform ECOM’s future work on intersection of human rights and public health for MSM and TG.  ECOM would like to express thanks to all those who participated in the consultation and believes that the information learned and experience gained will prove invaluable in its future programs.

For more information about ECOM visit our web site,


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