
Attitudes towards LGBT has improved in Estonia

Май 26, 2017
Логотип ECOM для новостей
Attitudes towards LGBT has improved in Estonia
Attitude of Estonians’ toward LGBT has improved, as demonstrated in a research commissioned by the Estonian Center for Human Rights.

According to the research, 41% of Estonians consider homosexuality acceptable, while previously this number was 34%. 52% still oppose it (previously 59% in 2014).

Researchers note that there is a difference between acceptance of homosexuality among Estonian-speaking and Russian-speaking citizens. 56% of the Estonian speakers supported the law on co-residence and 47% supported same-sex marriage, while among Russian speakers, these figures were 21% and 20%, respectively.

Majority of respondents consider acceptable to communicate with homosexuals in everyday life and 56% noted that their relationship with their children will not deteriorate if they come out.

The study was conducted in March-April 2017 among 1005 respondents.


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