
Gennady Roshchupkin Appointed as ECOM’s Technical Support Coordinator

Февраль 04, 2016
Логотип ECOM для новостей
Gennady Roshchupkin Appointed as ECOM’s Technical Support Coordinator
The Eurasian Coalition on Male Health is pleased to announce that Gennady Roshchupkin was appointed as Technical Support Coordinator.

"Gennady has shown his commitment to the establishment of ECOM on the basis of mutual respect for all members. During his long-term activity in the field of HIV, he has become well-known throughout the EECA region to activists and experts from civil society, and representatives of government and other partner organizations as well," explained ECOM’s Executive Director Vitaly Djuma.

Photo credit: ECOM

Gennady has been involved in the response to the HIV epidemic in Eastern Europe and Central Asia since 1991. He has considerable experience in providing technical support to and developing the capacity of NGOs and affected communities. In addition, Gennady has significant expertise in preparing and conducting trainings on various aspects of HIV and STI prevention, social support, and on the monitoring and evaluation of social projects and initiatives.

The new employee’s tasks include the development of the Technical Support (TS) strategy, budget and work plan, and monitoring of technical support provision to ECOM’s members and partner organizations.

Gennady can be reached by email at:


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