
New HIV Services Standard Adopted in Moldova with Special Attention Given to MSM

Январь 18, 2016
Логотип ECOM для новостей
New HIV Services Standard Adopted in Moldova with Special Attention Given to MSM
On December 23, 2015 the standard of quality of HIV prevention services among key populations, including MSM, was adopted by order of the Ministry of Health of Moldova. An annex outlining a package of services for MSM was also included in the document. We spoke with the co-author of the standard, ECOM member Veaceslav Mulear.

What is the essence of these amendments?

These standards ensure the implementation of existing regulations on HIV and are based on recommendations developed by WHO, UNAIDS and other international organizations.

Veaceslav Mulear. Credit: ECOM

How will the standard be reflected on the NGOs of Moldova?

From now on, the public funding of services for HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support among key populations will be based on these standards for the quality of service provision. In the future, services will be introduced on the basis of these standards (especially when funding from the state budget is possible).

The document has two main objectives:

  1. Presentation of the general principles of the organization of HIV prevention services related to injecting drug use in order to reduce the spread of HIV among key populations.
  2. Presentation of the minimum quality standards for the organization of services for HIV prevention among key populations.

How quickly will these amendments be implemented and how soon will key populations experience these innovations?

The standards are already being implemented, as they are mentioned in the National Programme for HIV. However, there was formerly no legal basis for these standards and, at the moment, they are being financed by international sources. This amendment will provide greater stability for the package of services.

Currently, what are the most critical barriers to access to HIV prevention and treatment services in Moldova?

At the moment, the most problematic issue is the political instability in the country, as there is currently no government. The political instability in the country can change the overall direction of the country, which could adversely affect the LGBT community.


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