
International Transgender Day of Remembrance is held on November 20

Ноябрь 20, 2015
Логотип ECOM для новостей
Transgender Day of Rememberance is held annually on November 20. Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM) would like to join the community and encourages to commemorate all the people, who have passed away due to transphobic violence.

"Lots of transgender people have enough courage to fight their prejudices and stand for their rights and freedoms. But not everybody had this luck. Plenty of transgender individuals have been beaten, killed, tortured or faced violence just because they want to be themselves," ECOM's Steering Committe member Igor Medvid says. "Transgender individuals are more likely to become hate crime victims, compared to other minorities. We remember all of them," Medvid adds.

On November 28, 1998 African American rock musician and transgender woman Rita Hester was murdered in Boston in her own appartment. From 1999 onwards the U. S. and other countries hold memorial events in order to raise awareness about transphobia and the violence, it causes.

"I myself, as a openly transgender person, believe that everybody has right to stay himself or herself. I ask you to spread the word about this simple, but important truth and also encourage you to support transgender people across the globe," Igor Medvid says. According to him, personal example and courage are the most effective tools to fight hatred: "Let people around you see transgender people and your tolerant attitude towards them. Just like this, we can make this world better and more comfortable for every one of us."


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