
ECOM representatives are participating in the National HIV/TB Conference in Kyrgyzstan

Сентябрь 20, 2017
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ECOM representatives are participating in the National HIV/TB Conference in Kyrgyzstan
ECOM Executive Director Vitaly Djuma and Advocacy Coordinator Paata Sabelashvili are participating in the National Conference "HIV and TB: New Challenges" currently held in Kyrgyzstan. 

The aim of Conference is to engage decision-makers, strengthen cross-sectoral cooperation, showcase innovative approaches in addressing HIV and TB, work out general recommendations and follow-up actions to strengthen HIV and TB response.Policy, economics, treatment and prevention, access to medicines and innovative approaches to prevention of HIV and TB epidemics – main sessions of the conference this year.ECOM Secretariat members, representatives of regional networks on HIV/ Hepatitis and TB, state and local organizations have come together to discuss ways of enhancing collaboration between state and non-governmental sectors with a view to mitigating HIV and TB impacts.

Increasing rate of HIV infection among gay men and MSM in Kyrgyzstan - that has escalated to a concentrated epidemic with prevalence of 6.6%, was one of the key issues discussed at the Conference. ECOM representatives have highlighted the importance of preventing further aggravation of the situation.

During the session "Multispectral Approach to Combat Epidemics of HIV and TB", Paata Sabelashvili, ECOM Advocacy Coordinator, shared ECOM’s experience in provision of technical assistance to civil society and state partners in Georgia as part of national response to HIV, and briefed on the launch of the state pilot prevention pre-exposure program.


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