
Effective methods of cooperation between LGBT/MSM, IDU and PLWH communities have been discussed on workshop recently held in Tallinn.

Июль 26, 2017
Логотип ECOM для новостей
Effective methods of cooperation between LGBT/MSM, IDU and PLWH communities have been discussed on workshop recently held in Tallinn.
Discussions around improving effectiveness of community cooperation in Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Estonia took place in Tallinn at the workshop organized by the Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM), with participation of the Eurasian Harm Reduction Network and the East Europe and Central Asia Union of People Living with HIV, in the frame of the project "Money Can Buy Health If You Budget For It" funded by the Robert Carr Fund (RCNF).

The workshop focused on the experience of LGBT/MSM, IDU and PLWH communities in building partnerships for advocacy of strategic, sufficient and sustainable funding for HIV response that is relevant to the groups’ needs.

Denis Kamaldinov, a facilitator of the workshop, noted: "The meeting aimed to increase the effectiveness of network cooperation between communities. This is a principal task for all the countries of the region. Our goal is to create an effective dialog that would facilitate advocacy processes at the local level".

A reference book will be developed through the ongoing efforts of a consortium of the communities from Estonia, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, that will be useful for other countries of the region. The publication is going to elaborate on various mechanisms of developing partnerships between organizations to address advocacy-related problems in the countries of the region.

For reference:

The project, supported by the Robert Carr Fund (RCNF), is implemented by the Eurasian Regional Consortium that brings together three regional networks: the Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN) that promotes the needs of people using drugs; the Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM) that addresses the needs of gay men and other men who have sex with men and trans* people; and the East Europe and Central Asia Union of PLWH that addresses the needs of people living with HIV. EHRN is the lead project organization in donor relations, while ECOM is the lead program organization of the project in 2017.


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