
Paata Sabelashvili Appointed as ECOM’s Advocacy Coordinator

Ноябрь 22, 2016
Логотип ECOM для новостей
Paata Sabelashvili Appointed as ECOM’s Advocacy Coordinator
The Eurasian Coalition on Male Health is pleased to announce that Paata Sabelashvili has been appointed as its Advocacy Coordinator.

“Paata has extensive experience in advocacy program management. He worked successfully in several LGBT community and harm reduction organizations. His  rich international experience will strengthen ECOM and make our team more diverse,” remarked ECOM’s Executive Director, Vitaly Djuma.

Paata founded Georgia's first-ever LGBT organization, and worked with a range of organizations in the areas of harm reduction, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, and STIs. He was involved in several regional and international networks and also served as a board member at ILGA Europe. In addition, he is also a member of Georgia's Country Coordinating Mechanism. Paata has led nationwide advocacy campaigns and holds two masters degrees from Central European University (Budapest, Hungary), and Tbilisi State University (Georgia).

The Advocacy Coordinator will manage the effective development and implementation of ECOM's advocacy strategy to ensure an increased access of MSM and Trans*people to HIV services in EECA.

Paata can be reached by email at: Paata Sabelashvili will begin work after January, 1, 2017.


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