
Small Grants 2019: Call for Proposals for LGBT organizations and groups from Central Asia and Southern Caucasus

Май 28, 2019
Логотип ECOM для новостей
Eurasian Coalition on Male Health – ECOM opens a Call for Proposals from LGBTQ community-based organizations and unregistered initiative groups for Small Grants program under the regional program “Accumulation of community potential to bring the positive changes in Central Asia and Southern Caucasus”. The program operates within the global consortia SHAG (Sustainable Health Advocacy for Gay men) under the leadership of MPact with financial support of the Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund.

The Goal of the Small Grants Program is to strengthen advocacy capacity of communities of gay, bisexual men and other men who have sex with men (MSM), experiencing stigma based on their sexual orientation or HIV status in Central Asia and Southern Caucasus.


Within the 2019 Call for Proposals, ECOM invites to submit Proposals non-governmental community-based organizations and non-registered initiative groups from Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

Please note that organizations and initiative groups from Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan can also apply for this call to implement the activities targeted to above-mentioned countries (Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan).

In the framework of this Call for Proposals, the priority is given to young organizations and initiative groups, ECOM members, and organizations and initiative groups that did not participate in ECOM’s Small Grants Programs in 2017 and 2018 as independent sub-recipients or as implementing initiative groups. More specifically, other things being equal, priority will be given to new organizations and initiative groups operating particularly in Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Applications from consortia of organizations cannot be supported.


- To strengthen advocacy capacity of community-based organizations that represent the communities of gay, bisexual men and other MSM in Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to advocate for the right to health2;

- To raise the awareness within the communities of gay, bisexual men and other MSM in Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan on their human rights, and right to health in particular;

- To advocate for the right to health for the communities of gay, bisexual men and other MSM in Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan through engagement with national and international human rights mechanisms3.


1  Proposed projects can include activities corresponding to each of the three outlined objectives or just one of them.

2   In the framework of this call, the right to health is the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. This includes:

- The right to a system of health protection providing equality of opportunity for everyone to enjoy the highest attainable level of health;

- The right to prevention, treatment and control of diseases, in particular HIV;

- Right to be free from non-consensual medical treatment, such as medical experiments and research or forced sterilization, and to be free from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;

- Equal and timely access to basic health services;

- The provision of health-related education and information;

- Participation of communities in health-related decision-making at the national and local levels.

3  National and international human rights mechanisms can include but are not limited to (1) UN Treaty Bodies, (2) UPR, (3) European Human Rights Court, and (4) Ombudsman offices.


Gay and bisexual men, and other MSM;

  • HIV-positive gay, bisexual men, and other MSM.


Project activities supported within this Small Grants Program can include, but are not limited, to the following:

  • Advocacy activities, including media campaigns, etc.;
  • Needs assessment, as a tool for advocacy activities within the proposed project;
  • Data collection on stigma and discrimination and human rights violations in public sector;
  • Educational activities (seminars, workshops, training sessions, development of training manuals, etc.);
  • Capacity building and organizational development.

The following types of activities will not be supported:

  • Individual participation in workshops, seminars, conferences, congresses, etc.;
  • Individual scholarships for studies or training courses;
  • Capital expenditure, such as procurement or renovation of buildings, vehicles;
  • Re-publications of informational materials developed previously;
  • Research projects with no practical implications within the same project;
  • Sub-contracting of other organizations.

Please note that all proposed activities within the submitted project proposal must be justified and contribute to ensuring the achievement of the Small Grants Program goal and objective(s).


Applicants can request up to 6,000 USD.


Supported projects should be implemented during 5 months between August and December 2019.


Applicants are requested to submit a full proposal online at The following documents should be attached to the online application form. 

For NGOs

  • Online application
  • Annex 1: Project Workplan
  • Annex 2: Project Budget
  • Annex 3: Organization documents: registration certificate, extract from State Register, non-profit certificate, statute

For unregistered Initiative Groups

  • Online application
  • Annex 1: Project Workplan
  • Annex 2: Project Budget
  • Annex 3: Partner Organization’s documents: registration certificate, extract from State Register, non-profit certificate, statute
  • Annex 4: Letter of Support from the partner NGO

Important for Initiative Groups:

  • Only initiative groups with documented history of not less than 1 year can be supported.
  • To submit a project proposal, an initiative group needs to have a registered partner organization that will assume the responsibility of fiduciary agent including financial management and reporting for this grant. Please attach a Support Letter from a registered NGO that states that it will provide a comprehensive support for your Initiative Group during the project implementation.


Applications will be selected based on the following criteria:


  • Applicant is a legal organization or an unregistered initiative group established by representatives of LGBTQ community and based in one of the countries of Central Asia or Southern Caucasus;
  • Applicant has a mechanism that ensures quality and transparent financial management (using their own structures and procedures, or a financial agent that will provide the necessary quality of financial management);
  • Objectives of the proposed project correspond to the goal of this Call for Proposals;
  • Proposal has a good quality of the project planning (SMART criteria);
  • Applicant demonstrates access to the target group(s) of the proposed project (Facebook and/or Vkontakte groups, mailing lists, regular off-line meetings, etc.);
  • Applicant cooperates with other LGBTQ community groups and/or human rights organizations and the Proposal is verified by letter(s) of support from other initiative groups, LGBTQ community organizations, and/or human rights organizations.


  • Not less than 50% of organization’s staff and/or members/board members are people who belong to LGBTQ community.


The Call is conducted from 28 May to 31 July 2019 in three stages:

(1) Proposals Submission

28 May – 18 June 2019

One organization can submit only one project proposal.

ECOM will screen all applications for meeting the technical requirements. Only applications with the full set of supporting documents will be considered for further review.

(2) Proposals Review and Selection

June-July 2019 - Applications will be reviewed by independent experts. Experts’ recommendations for selecting recipients will be approved by ECOM’s Steering Committee. All applicants will be informed of the final decision. ECOM reserves the right not to provide the reasons for rejection of a proposal.

(3) Grant Agreement Negotiations and Signing

July 2019 – announcement of results and detailed negotiations on sub-grant terms will be conducted: contract terms, work plan and budget for the sub-recipients, sub-grant agreement signing.


Fill in the online application form

and attach all relevant annexes.

Only complete application sets will be accepted (see the list of documents above). ECOM reserves the right to request from applicants for further documents and information to substantiate or to clarify the information listed on the application.

Call for Proposals Preparation Webinar

ECOM will conduct a webinar for potential applicants willing to participate in this Call for Proposals. During the webinar, consultations on the application process and the content of the small grants program will be provided. The webinar will take place on 5 June 2019, 11:00 EET. If you wish to participate in the webinar, kindly inform Yuri Yoursky, ECOM Human Rights and Legal Issues Officer, by 3 June 2019, 23:59 EET at

All content-related questions should be addressed to Yuri Yoursky at

Technical questions on filling out of the application form should be sent to ECOM Grant Officer Olga Chemiia at

Proposals must be submitted in English or Russian via

“Project Workplan” and “Project Budget” templates are available in annexes to this announcement.

Application deadline is 18 June 2019, 23:59 EET (Eastern European Time).

Call for Proposals


Workplan, Budget and Guideline



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