
628 NGOs from 151 Countries Call for a SOGI Independent Expert at the UN

Июнь 29, 2016
Логотип ECOM для новостей
628 NGOs from 151 Countries Call for a SOGI Independent Expert at the UN
Highlighting the grave human rights violations experienced by people the world-over on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, 628 organisations from 151 countries today called on the UN Human Rights Council to establish an Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). NGOs urging for establishing of a SOGI Independent Expert include ECOM and several members of the Coalition, among others.

The statement, delivered in Geneva under Item 8 of the Human Rights Council on Monday 27 June 2016, reminded the  Council that the High Commissioner for Human Rights has said: “Current arrangements to protect the human rights of LGBT and intersex persons are inadequate,” and “there is as yet no dedicated human rights mechanism at the international level that has a systematic and comprehensive approach to the human rights situation of LGBT and intersex persons”.

Later in this week States in the Human Rights Council will vote to establish such an Expert in a resolution brought by a group of Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico and Uruguay.

We urge States to support this resolution and to oppose any attempts to undermine it, whether procedural motions or amendments aimed at stripping the resolution of its content or focus.

Read the full statement here.

Based on the publication by


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