
PrEP for all key communities: ECDC develops European PrEP operational guidelines

Январь 20, 2020
Логотип ECOM для новостей
PrEP for all key communities: ECDC develops European PrEP operational guidelines
For consideration of the ECOM members and partners from the following countries: Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Romania.

ECDC is currently in the process of developing operational guidance on:

1)    Standards and principles for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) service delivery, and

2)    A standardised monitoring tool for PrEP in the EU/EEA.

To support the development of this operational guidance, we are seeking input from clinicians, public health experts and community representatives through a brief online survey which is accessible via the following link:

For your information, individual responses are anonymous (no personal information is requested & your IP address will not be stored).

The survey explores your experiences and insights into PrEP delivery, monitoring and use in EU/EEA Member States. In line with the WHO implementation tool for PrEP of HIV infection, the survey focuses on challenges, barriers and possible solutions in three key areas:

1. PrEP Delivery Systems
2. Access to PrEP
3. Use of PrEP

The survey will be open until 17.00 CET on 31st January 2020. After this time, ECDC will review all the responses provided and use them to inform an ECDC scientific panel meeting that will convene 12-13 February in support of the development of the ECDC operational guidance on PrEP. We would appreciate if you could share the link to the survey with colleagues working in the area of HIV/STI prevention and control.

If you have any questions in relation to this survey or the development of the operational guidance, please feel free to contact Teymur Noori (


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