
Fast-Track Cities

О проекте

Fast-Track Cities
Cities play an increasing role in HIV and TB responses globally. The Fast-Track Cities project initiated by Alliance for Public Health (Ukraine) together with AFEW International (The Netherlands), Contact Netz/Licit (Switzerland) and Stop TB Partnership under technical guidance of UNAIDS EECA office with funding of The Global Fund works to develop efficient and sustainable city models of HIV/TB responses that would allow to reduce AIDS and TB mortalities in the project cities, as well as to increase the allocation of city funding to HIV/TB interventions for key populations. In this project, ECOM takes a role of a regionaal key populations network and facilitates involvement of key groups both on the regional and cities’ levels in the project.

Five target cities have been selected for the project based on disease burden, the ability and commitment of municipalities to release resources, and the feasibility of effective implementation of the pilot project. In each of the cities, a partner civil society organization is coordinating project activities: Initiative for Health Foundation in Sofia (Bulgaria); NGO Center for Information and Counseling on Reproductive Health “Tanadgoma” in Tbilisi (Georgia); Public Foundation AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) in Almaty (Kazakhstan); NGO Youth for the Right to Live in Balti (Moldova); and NGO Youth Center for Development in Odessa (Ukraine).


3.9 mln USD


01/2017 - 12/2019

Цели проекта

The goal of the project is to develop models of sustainable city responses to HIV and TB in key population in EECA that significantly contribute to achieving 90-90-90 HIV/TB targets for key populations. The goal is supported by the following four objectives:
• Development and implementation of a model for key populations for the “90-90-90” targets of The HIV and TB response in selected cities of the EECA region.
• Establishing effective partnerships between municipalities and NGOs/CSOs in selected EECA cities.
• Ensuring sustainable allocations of municipal funding for key population programs in project cities.
• To increase knowledge management and popularize city responses on HIV and TB in cities of the EECA region and globally.

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