On February 27, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova held public hearings during which a report was presented on the impact of drug policy on public health and the HIV epidemic in the Republic of Moldova.
ECOM, as a technical assistance provider of the Global Fund's CRG initiative, provided support for this study. For this, regional consultant Elena Kucheruk, together with national consultants Svetlana Doltu, Andrei Lungu and Alla Yatsko, not only reviewed the documents on drug policy available in Moldova, but also conducted several focus groups with clients of the Harm Reduction program, employees of public organizations and key experts. The report was presented to the communities for the first time at a National Dialogue meeting, after which a Roadmap on changing drug policy in Moldova was also developed, containing specific recommendations and actions.
Deputies, specialists from relevant state institutions (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Prosecutor General's Office, Department for the Execution of Punishments, narcological dispensary, etc.), experts and other leaders took part in the discussion of the report and the roadmap.

The report presents some of the achievements of the Republic of Moldova, in particular with regard to the implementation of programs to prevent drug addiction in penitentiary institutions. The authors of the analysis note the presence of regulatory barriers in the Republic of Moldova, the absence of prevention and treatment programs in the regions on the left bank of the Dniester River, insufficient funding of national programs.
Also in the document, the experts made recommendations, such as: resuming the work of the government-affiliated National Commission on Drugs; reorganizing drug treatment for PWID; canceling the register of drug addicts; making changes to the table of minimum doses of narcotic drugs; using alternative measures not related to deprivation of liberty; bringing drug programs in line with EU standards.
Deputy Liliana Grosu thanked for the information provided:
“This discussion is a step forward in the search for consensus, because we must decide what our policy will be at the country level. We need to think about people who unfortunately became addicted to drugs and treat them as people in need of help and develop services and opportunities to get that help. At the same time, as a society, we must also focus on the prevention of drug use, and here we must have a much broader discussion and act in a much more consolidated way.”
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