
Annual Report: ECOM and the Global Fund

Июль 12, 2016
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Annual Report: ECOM and the Global Fund
Throughout 2015, the Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM) was involved in advocacy efforts at the regional and international levels. As the leading MSM and transgender network organization in the region, ECOM recognizes the importance of giving a voice to MSM and trans* communities in the region and ensuring that the needs of these populations are considered at the highest levels of decision-making. This year, ECOM advocated for greater human rights protections and access to HIV services for MSM and trans* people. ECOM's members and staff attended numerous regional and international conferences and consultations. Meanwhile, ECOM's Secretariat developed a number of advocacy statements, including position papers, open letters, and other publications.

The Global Fund Partnership Forum was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Credit: Private Collection.

ECOM's Executive Director, Vitaly Djuma, and other ECOM representatives participated in three high level Global Fund consultations in 2015. The consultations provided ECOM with the opportunity to contribute to important policy decisions that will affect MSM and trans* people in the region in the coming years. The consultations were devoted to topics, including the development of the Global Fund Strategy for 2017-2021, transitioning to domestic funding of HIV and TB responses and programmatic sustainability in EECA, and the participation of communities of key populations in Global Fund policy-making.

Position Paper

In July 2015, ECOM released a position paper on the Global Fund Strategy for 2017-2021. ECOM conducted a survey among its members and partners to develop its position concerning the objectives and directions of the Global Fund’s work for the next 5 years so that MSM and transgender people living in EECA receive the necessary protection and support in the HIV response. The position papers underscores the need to increase the availability of resources for targeted programs aimed at MSM and trans* people, improve information on HIV, protect human rights, and innovate to improve the efficiency of investments. Read more.

Open Letters

In addition, ECOM also joined other international, regional, and national organizations in signing two open letters to the Global Fund Board and Executive Director. The first called upon the organization to commit to an ambitious funding request for the 5th Replenishment to accelerate the end of the AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria epidemics by 2030. The second letter sought to draw attention to certain high priority issues, including the allocation methodology framework and approaches to ensuring the successful and sustainable transition of UMICs from Global Fund support to domestic funding. Read more here and here.

Global Fund Processes Report

ECOM’s first report on Global Fund processes was published in March 2015. The report details the involvement of MSM and transgender people in country dialogue processes in the countries of EECA. Findings indicate that a lack of reliable epidemiological data, high stigma, and policies that restrict the access of MSM and transgender people to information on HIV preclude these populations from meaningfully participating in country dialogue processes, contributing to HIV/AIDS program planning, and otherwise cooperating with the Global Fund. The report has been used for advocacy purposes and as an important resource for the development of ECOM's Concept Note to the Global Fund. Read more.

Download full report in .pdf (2 mB):

Annual Report 2015



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