
Call for Abstracts. 4th Regional Consultation on HIV among MSM and Trans* People in EECA

Логотип ECOM для новостей

ECOM is glad to announce that 4th Regional Consultation on HIV among MSM and trans* people in Eastern Europe and Central Asia will take place on December 15-16, 2021.

The goal of this year's consultation is to increase the visibility of the social, economic and legal problems that community members face in accessing HIV services in the EECA region.

Four key themes to be held in a “hybrid format” will focus on:
- Health, sex and wellbeing of the LGBT community during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Trans* people in 2021 - arranging chaos and getting stronger
- An intersectional approach to overcoming legal barriers in access to HIV-services
- Effective communication as an advocacy tool during the COVID-19 pandemic

What is a hybrid format: it is assumed that some of the participants will be physically present in specially equipped centers in EECA countries, so-called "national hubs", and some participants will connect online. Despite the fact that "hubs" will be located only in Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Ukraine, it is possible to submit abstracts from other EECA countries. If your abstract is selected, you will be invited to one of the nearest “hubs” for physical participation in the consultation.

Within the framework of this competition of abstracts, we are expecting interesting proposals as personal speeches for a lively discussion, and not necessarily in the format of presentations. In this regard, schematic abstracts of the speeches can be submitted in the form below, and the full content and format of the speeches will be finalized during the preparation of the consultation together with the moderators of key themes. Submitted abstracts will be taken into account in the selection of participants in national hubs.

To submit abstracts, please fill out the form at
Abstracts are accepted until November 6, 2021 (23.59 CET)

The main language of the consultation is Russian, with translation into English.


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