
Call For Proposals: Small Grants For Community Organizations Within The Regional Program “Money Can Buy Health If You Budget For It”

Май 18, 2016
Логотип ECOM для новостей
EHRN is looking for community organizations of PLWH, PWID, as well as MSM and transgender people in Estonia, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan to aply for small grants within the Regional Program “Money Can Buy Health If You Budget For It” funded by the Robert Carr Foundation.  

This Call for Proposals is aimed at identifying community organizations from Estonia, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan – three in each country. One organization should represent people who use drugs, one should represent community of people living with HIV and yet another - community of MSM and transgender people.  The committee of three organizations forming a consortium representing the relevant communities (EHRN, ECOM, ECUO) will select nine organizations in total.

Interested organizations are invited to submit their proposals by 06 June 2016 (12:00 EET).

The work under the small grants should be conducted between June and December 2016.

EHRN will consider applications from community organizations.

More details on the call for proposals can be found from the EHRN website.

For support and more details please contact Marcus Oda, ECOM's Program & Advocacy Officer,

Interested organizations must submit their applications by filling in this electronic form:

Call for proposals



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