
Call for Proposals For Sub-Recipients of the Regional Program "Right to Health" in Armenia

Ноябрь 08, 2017
Логотип ECOM для новостей
Call for Proposals  For Sub-Recipients of the Regional Program  "Right to Health" in Armenia
Call for Proposals For Sub-Recipients of the Regional Program "Right to Health" Community Actions to Increase Access of MSM and Transgender People to HIV Services in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia in Armenia.

I. General

Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM) is a regional association of non-profits, community groups, activists and experts in Eastern Europe and Central Asia working on creating favourable conditions to ensure that each man who have sex with other men (MSM) and transgender person will have access to health services, including HIV services, based on respect for their human rights.

Recognizing the challenge of the disproportionately low access to HIV services of men who have sex with men (MSM) and trans*[1]people in the region, the Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM) has developed a Regional Program “Right to Health. Community Actions to Increase Access of MSM and Transgender People to HIV Services in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia”.

The goal of this program is to contribute to an increased uptake and retention across the continuum of HIV services for MSM and trans*people in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

The objectives of the Program are:

1: To contribute to increasing MSM and trans*community participation in decision-making in national HIV responses.

2: To contribute to building the capacity of MSM and trans*organizations by strengthening organizational structures, technical competence and fundraising capacity.

3: To strengthen enabling environments for HIV services for MSM and trans*people, through fighting stigma and discrimination, promoting and protecting human rights, and removing legal and policy barriers.

The duration of the Program – January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2019.

ECOM is the Principal Recipient to implement it directly at the regional level, while activities at national level will be implemented in five target countries: Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and Macedonia.

For a detailed description of the Regional Program, please refer to the Annex 1.

II Tender for Sub-Recipients

The first year results, icnluding conducted baseline assesment and evaluation of Sub-Receipients program activities, showed, that there is a huge gap in service provision for the community of trans*people.

  • There is no strategic information on trans*people in the region (estimated number, prevalance rates of HIV infection, risk factors for infection)
  • Trans*people are not included into the list of risk populations in terms of HIV
  • Trans*people are indentified as a separate target group for prevention programs (are combined with MSM)
  • The package of services for trans*people is not designed
  • Trans*people are invonved in the decision making process only in Kyrgyzstan and Belarus.

Thereby in terms of continuation of the implementation of the Regional Program “Right to Health”

ECOM is announcing an Open Call for Proposals for Sub-Recipients in Republic Armenia under two components: 

  1. Advocacy for sustaining services for gay men and other MSM communities.
  2. Advocacy for sustaining services for trans*people communities.

The Sub-Grant agreement is signed for one year and will be extended with consideration to the progress results.

III Who can apply

The call is open to non-governmental organizations that meet the following requirements.

General requirements:

  • Must be legally registered in the Republic of Armenia.
  • Must share the objectives of ECOM’s Regional Program as confirmed by the organization’s articles of association, strategic plans and/or current projects.
  • It is expected to receive applications from the community-based organization of gay men and other MSM and/or trans*people, as a catalyst to encourage more productive cooperation for the Program implementation.

IV Activities and Work Plan of Sub-Recipients

The activities listed below are mandotory for implementation and budgeting by Sub-Recipients. The Workplan (Appendix 2) also contains activities that are mandatory for implementation, but are financed by ECOM Secretariat.

Component 1: Advocacy for sustaining services for gay men and other MSM communities.

  • Activities proposed by Sub-Receipients should be in line with the developed national advocacy plan and include steps towards its implementation.
  • Popularize MSMIT (conduct trainings for public authorities and other decision makers, popularization of the tool as manual for identifying service package for MSM in the country).
  • Conduct trainings on reducing level of stigma and discrimination against MSM for public authorities, journalists and doctors (training manual will be developed by ECOM and national trainers will be trained through TOT).
  • Monitor and document cases of violations of right to health of MSM
  • Provide support in in the process of size estimation of MSM with its further approval on national level (costs for the process of size estimation should not be included into the budget)
  • Conduct annual national forum on financing and sustainability for the LGBT and HIV community
  • Host national-level workshop on strategic information priorities
  • Host national-level workshop with stakeholders on results of HIV service cascade analysis

Component 2: Advocacy for sustaining services for trans*people communities.

  • Activities proposed by Sub-Receipients should be in line with the developed national advocacy plan and include steps towards its implementation.
  • Conduct needs assesment for trans*people community regarding HIV prevention and treatment, including risk factors for infection.
  • Advocate for increasing trans*people community participation in national structures and decision making process.
  • Monitor and document cases of violations of right to health of trans*people
  • Advocate for inclusion of trans*people into the list of risk populations.

Amount and duration of funding

Under this Call for Applications, funds will be given for 2018 for a total of 12 months. Further funding will depend on the Sub-Recipient’s progress in the first year of the program.

The maximum amount of funding provided Under this Call for Applications is Euro 47,000 for both components.

The applicant organization must fill out the Budget Form (Annex 2). Guideline for forms completion (Annex 2).

In addition to direct financial support, Sub-Recipients will be supported with technical assistance for strenghening organizational capacities and also participation in regional meetings and trainings etc.

V  Timeline and Procedures of the Tender

November 8, 2017 – Announcement of the Call for Applications.

November 30, 2017 – Deadline for applications submission.

December 1-11, 2017 – Review and decision-making on the applications.

December 12, 2017 – Notification on the decisions.

Till December 31, 2017 – grant negotiations with Sub-Recipients.

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of the following documents:

  1. A completed application form in Russian or English.
  2. A completed budget and workplan form
  3. Copy of Articles of Association of the organization (translated into English or Russian if there the document is in a different language)
  4. Organization’s registration certificate (translated into English or Russian if there the document is in a different language)
  5. Confirmation of authority of the organization head – power of attorney, minutes of the Board meeting or General Assembly, appointment order, etc
  6. CV of key personnel in English or Russian.

Application Package must be submitted no later than November 30, 2017, 23:59 EET online on ECOM’s webpage through the link:

ECOM will confirm the receipt within two days after the deadline.

During the application review ECOM may request additional information from the applicant.

All organizations-applicants will be informed of the decision on the selection of Sub-Recipients. The results will also be published on ECOM’s website

VII Conditions for Obtaining Funds

Sub-Recipients will need to open a separate bank account to receive funds under the Regional Program.

The grant agreement will specify further terms of funds and other aspects including the final work plan, schedule of fund transfers, financial and programmatic reporting forms and timetable, etc.

VIII Review Criteria and Assistance in Completing the Application

ECOM strongly encourages applicants to carefully read the description of the Regional Programme (Annex 1) and the Framework Workplan of Sub-Recipients (Annex 2) and, while describing their capacity, give particular attention to the competencies and skills of the organization and employees that are necessary for Regional Program.

If you have any questions when filling out the application and budget forms, please contact the Grant Officer Olga Chemiia at

IX Annexes

Eurasian Coalition on Male Health

Tartu mnt 63, Tallinn 10115 Estonia

Tel.: +372 602 0084

[1] The abbreviation trans* is employed here to describe transgender, non-binary, and gender nonconforming identities, including (but not limited to) transgender, transsexual, genderqueer, gender fluid, non-binary, agender, third gender, two-spirit, bigender etc.


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