
Calls for Proposals to Conduct Studies

Декабрь 04, 2018
Логотип ECOM для новостей
Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM) is soliciting proposals from individual consultants or companies to conduct studies within the final evaluation in the five target countries of ECOM’s Regional Program “Right to Health” funded by the Global Fund.

  • Assessment of MSM and Trans Community Participation in HIV Decision Making
  • Legal Environment Assessment
  • Organizational Capacity Assessment
  • Study of Gate Keepers’ Attitude toward LGBT
  • Study of Internalized Homonegativity

Applicants may apply for several calls.

Application for each call must be submitted by separate email with a reference, stated in the respective ToR at

Applications should include:

  • Cover Letter outlining experience in conducting similar work along with CV
  • Brief proposal (3 pages max.) with timetable and budget

Deadline for submission: 15 December 2018 at 23:59 EET.

For more information, prospective consultants may contact Maxim Kasianczuk, ECOM Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator, at

Download full ToRs for each Call for Proposal:

  • Assessment of MSM and Trans Community Participation in HIV Decision Making

  • Legal Environment Assessment

  • Organizational Capacity Assessment

  • Study of Gate Keepers’ Attitude toward LGBT

  • Study of Internalized Homonegativity


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