
COVID-19 SITUATION ASSESSMENT: Quarantine measures affect to LGBT community NGOs working in the fields of HIV prevention

Апрель 29, 2020
Логотип ECOM для новостей
In April 2020, ECOM conducted a rapid situation assessment to determine how the COVID-19 epidemic and related quarantine measures affect LGBT NGOs working in the field of HIV prevention and on other sexual health issues in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia (CEECA).

We sought to find out how the work of NGOs has changed due to quarantine measures; to what extent do organizations have the resources to survive in emergency situations; what are they doing to ensure the safety of their clients and staff; and what do they feel is important to do in the future in order to reduce the risks associated with epidemics similar to COVID-19.

33 respondents from 25 cities in 11 CEECA countries participated in the assessment.  

Read full report by link


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