
ECOM Announces Countries Selected for the Regional Program

Ноябрь 27, 2015
Логотип ECOM для новостей
ECOM is pleased to announce the results of the country selection process for the regional program “Community Actions to Increase Access of MSM and Transgender People to HIV Services in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.”

After careful consideration, the Steering Committee has made the difficult, yet strategic choice of selecting the following four countries for implementation of the regional program: Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and Macedonia. Georgia was also identified to be included in the register of unfunded quality demands.

The Chairman of the Steering Committee, Evgeny Sorokoumov, stated: “ECOM is entering the homestretch in the development of its regional program. The Steering Committee’s decision on country selection showed wisdom and objectivity, and carefully considered the needs of countries and opportunities of our coalition.”

In making its decision, ECOM’s Steering Committee weighed a number of factors, including the HIV prevalence among MSM/TG, the availability (or lack) of national funding for HIV prevention and treatment activities targeting these groups, the level of civil society participation in shaping national policies related to MSM/TG health, subregional representation, as well as the potential impact of the regional program in both individual countries and in the region as a whole.

ECOM understands the need to implement such a program in all the countries of the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. However, due to financial and time limitations, the Steering Committee was forced to choose an abbreviated list of the program countries.

Nevertheless, ECOM believes the effects of the regional program's implementation will also be felt outside of the priority countries. Thus, ECOM will seek out experts and organizations from other countries of the region during the implementation of the program, trainings and research at the regional level will include different countries of the region, and support and community development will also be provided to other countries.

“ECOM would like to thank participants and partners of the Coalition for the assistance they have already provided. We hope that they will continue to be actively involved in the development and implementation of the regional program,” stated Vitaly Djuma, Executive Director of ECOM.


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