
ECOM Releases Its Annual Report for 2015

Июнь 02, 2016
Логотип ECOM для новостей
The Eurasian Coalition on Male Health's (ECOM) has released its Annual Report for 2015.

This report gathers information about everything of importance that ECOM was involved in this past year, including internal developments, advocacy initiatives and activities, and technical support.

“Last year, we laid the foundation for our activities for 2017-2020. Thanks to the involvement of a wide circle of experts, we were able to develop ECOM's regional program and a corresponding request for funding, which was submitted to the Global Fund,” Vitaly Djuma, ECOM’s Executive Director stated.

In addition, the report covers ECOM’s other activities, including an analysis of legislation related to LGBT rights and HIV in nine countries of the EECA region, and the facilitation of the publishing of the Russian version of an important programming tool on HIV and STIs for MSM.


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