
No one will be left behind: ECOM celebrates IDAHOBIT 2024

Май 17, 2024
Логотип ECOM для новостей
Today, on May 17, we celebrate the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT). The 2024 theme for this day is “No One Left Behind: Equality, Freedom and Justice for All.” This call is a reminder of the need for unity and solidarity in the fight against discrimination and stigmatization of LGBT people.

ECOM consistently supports the values of equality and inclusion. We believe that respect for human dignity and acceptance of diversity are the cornerstones of a fair society, free from prejudice and intolerance. For many years, the organization has been working closely with representatives of the LGBT community in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region, providing assistance and support in the fight against discrimination. We conduct information and education campaigns to raise awareness and overcome stereotypes, and also work on improving legislation and policies to ensure full equality for LGBT people.

«On May 17 we celebrate the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, and this is an important occasion to remember the importance of tolerance and respect in our society. We are concerned about the growing manifestations of homophobia and transphobia in most countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. This trend, unfortunately, is observed not only in everyday life, but also at the government level. For example, the Belarusian authorities equated the demonstration of homosexual and bisexual relationships with the distribution of pornography, and the Georgian government initiated a draft law similar to the Russian one to ban LGBT propaganda. We believe that every person deserves to live in peace and security, and no one should face discrimination because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. We encourage everyone to see diversity as a strength, not a threat. Together we can create a society where everyone can live freely without fear of judgment or violence. Join ECOM in the fight for equality, respect and love. Our voice can change the world. Thank you for your support and solidarity», says Nazarii Boiarskyi, Programs Lead at ECOM.

In 2023, ECOM joined the regional "Rise & Decriminalize" movement, which advocates for decriminalization of LGBT people and other vulnerable groups. We strive to combat such manifestations as the criminalization of same-sex relationships between men in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, the ban on “gay propaganda” in Russia and Kyrgyzstan, the pathologization of transgenderness, the difficulty or impossibility to change gender marker, the ban on “sex change” in Russia, and increased homophobia and transphobia in society and from the authorities, as well as persecution of LGBT organizations and organizations working with MSM.

Today we once again express our commitment to the values of equality, freedom and justice for all and want to emphasize the value of self-expression and individuality of each person. Only by joining our efforts, supporting and inspiring each other within communities, can we achieve positive changes in society, change established stereotypes, and improve legislation.

ECOM will continue its work aimed at creating an inclusive society in which the rights and dignity of every person are respected and protected. We encourage everyone to join in celebrating IDAHOBIT and contribute to building a world free of homophobia, transphobia and any forms of intolerance.


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