
ECOM Seeks Experts for Regional Database

Май 03, 2016
Логотип ECOM для новостей
ECOM is launching a database of national and global experts on the sexual health and rights of gay, other MSM, and transgender people/ transsexuals, working in the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Experts who have provided data about themselves and who are willing to follow the rules of the database, will be the first ones notified of all vacancies, training and scholarships opportunities announced by ECOM, as well as about working and professional development opportunities provided by the members and partners of ECOM.

Information about the experts will be available not only to members of the ECOM Secretariat, but will also be offered to national and international organizations partnered with ECOM.

In order to ensure the relevance and reliability of the experts’ professional level, ECOM will conduct regular (yearly) polls to learn about the work that experts have undertaken during the past year.

To enter your data into the database, you must fill out a short form below. NB! Following survey may not work properly on mobile devices.

If you have any questions, please contact ECOM’s Technical Support Coordinator Gennady Roshchupkin:


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