
ECOM’s Steering Committee to Include Georgia as a Target Country for the Implementation of the Regional Program

Январь 29, 2016
Логотип ECOM для новостей
ECOM’s Steering Committee to Include Georgia as a Target Country for the Implementation of the Regional Program
The Steering Committee of the Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM) decided to include Georgia in the list of target countries for the implementation of ECOM’s regional program “Community Actions to Increase Access of MSM and Transgender People to HIV Services in Eastern Europe and Central Asia,” and thus increase the number of countries to five - Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and Macedonia.

In November 2015, four target countries, Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and Macedonia, were selected by the Steering Committee (SC) to participate in ECOM’s regional program. Georgia was also identified to be included in the Global Fund’s register of unfunded quality demands.

On January 26, 2016, ECOM‘s Executive Director, Vitaly Djuma, reported on new information: “The results of the latest sentinel surveillance in Georgia, conducted with the participation of ECOM’s member organization “Tanadgoma Center”, has recently been published. Sentinel surveillance (SS) showed a very high prevalence of HIV among MSM in Georgia - 25.1% in Tbilisi and 21.3% in Batumi.”

The Executive Director asked the Steering Committee to address the issue of Georgia’s inclusion as one of the countries for the implementation of ECOM’s regional program.

“ECOM is extremely worried by this data, and so are our regional and international partners. ECOM’s Secretariat, having reviewed the budget of the regional program, considers it possible to include Georgia in the program without negatively affecting any of the other four countries that were previously selected,” stated Djuma.

A decision on the inclusion of Georgia in the list of target countries for the implementation of ECOM’s regional program was adopted unanimously by the SC members, who participated in the meeting.


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