
ECOM Held Its Own Session on MSM at EECAAC-2016

Апрель 04, 2016
Логотип ECOM для новостей
ECOM took part in the 5th Eastern Europe and Central Asia AIDS Conference, held in Moscow, Russia from March 23-25, 2016. The conference was aimed at scientists, experts, healthcare providers, healthcare professionals and community workers.

At the conference, ECOM held its own session, entitled ‘Prevention and Treatment Particularities among MSM Populations.’ The session consisted of four presentations, given by national and regional experts, including ECOM’s Executive Director, Vitaly Djuma, and attracted approximately 40 participants. Slides of the presentations can be viewed here (in Russian).

ECOM also organized a seminar on regional cooperation in the context of the response to the HIV epidemic among MSM and trans* people. The seminar was kicked off by a presentation on the situation of trans* people in Russia. Representatives of HIV-service NGOs from several EECA countries joined the discussion.

The main issues discussed in the seminar included the availability of reliable data, the division of MSM and trans* groups according to their age for a client-tailored approach, and the appropriateness of using the term MSM, which may be controversial to some clients. A summary of the seminar can be found here (in Russian).


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