
ECOM Names Vitaly Djuma Executive Director

Февраль 27, 2015
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ECOM Names Vitaly Djuma Executive Director
Tallinn, Estonia. February 27,2015. 

The Eurasian Coalition on Male Health announced today that its Steering Committee and Board have appointed Vitaly Djuma as its new Executive Director effective March 1, 2015.

Vitaly has been involved in the response to the HIV epidemic for over 15 years, with a focus on the most affected populations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA).

Vitaly is a staunch advocate of ECOM’s strategic goals.  He has been working with the Coalition since its very beginning, having participated in the 2010 Kyiv Consultation on MSM and HIV in EECA that gave impetus to the creation of ECOM. Vitaly has extensive experience in program management, strategic planning, and HIV and human rights advocacy. He holds a Masters of International Health from the University of Copenhagen.

 The Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM) is an association of organizations, groupsand activists in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, advocating for improved access of MSM and transgender people to evidence-based and human rights oriented services in the field of sexual and reproductive health, including HIV.

Contact: Marcus Oda, +372-5684-7024,


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