
ECOM participates in a Regional Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Июнь 12, 2015
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ECOM participates in a Regional Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
ECOM recently participated in the Regional Conference Promoting Health and Rights, Reducing Inequalities: Towards Better Sexual and Reproductive Health Outcomes in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The conference, organized by UNFPA’s Regional Office of Eastern Europe and Central Asia and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Health of Bulgaria, was held in Sofia, Bulgaria from May 27-29, 2015.

Marcus Oda, Program & Advocacy Officer, represented ECOM in the conference which gather over 140 participants, including ministers of health, parliamentarians, national and international experts, civil society representatives, youth leaders, and representatives from UN agencies.

The conference was focused on reviewing the progress made and identifying priorities in advancing sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights in the region, including reducing inequalities in access to sexual and reproductive health services. The conference provided a platform for dialogue and exchange of experiences related to advancing sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights and encouraged country-level planning, policy development, and capacity building. The conference concluded with the adoption of a declaration of commitment for advancing sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights in the region in the context of the post-2015 development agenda.

To prepare for the conference, Marcus consulted a number of ECOM members who provided him with literature and statistics on the sexual and reproductive health and rights issues facing MSM and transgender people in the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. At the conference, Marcus participated in two working groups: one focused on sexual and reproductive health of young people aged 10-24 and another on sexual and reproductive health among key populations at a high risk of HIV infection. In the second working group, Marcus assisted with drafting recommendations to be included in the final declaration of commitment. In this working group, key issues affecting the access of MSM and transgender people to sexual and reproductive health services, such as discrimination, stigma, and violence and forced medical procedures, were addressed.

In the final session of the conference, where the declaration of commitment was reviewed, Marcus, along with representatives from the European Harm Reduction Network and the Sex Workers’ Rights Advocacy Network, called for greater inclusion of key populations, including MSM and transgender people, in the declaration of commitment. Unfortunately, MSM and transgender people are not specifically named in the declaration. However, it emphasizes key populations, human rights, and equal access to sexual and reproductive health services.


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