
ECOM presents the achievements of the “Trans*Map in EECA” project at AIDS 2022

Август 10, 2022
Логотип ECOM для новостей
ECOM’s Advocacy Coordinator, Daniyar Orsekov, presented the impressive results of the “Trans*Map in EECA” project at the RADIAN satellite symposium during AIDS 2022.

The symposium took place on July 29 as a platform to discuss the HIV epidemic in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA). During the symposium, participants presented the results of the work of their organizations, including ECOM, and discussed the impact of their programs. Activists also had the opportunity to share their personal experiences.

The RADIAN satellite symposium was organized by the Elton John AIDS Foundation in partnership with Gilead Sciences and was entitled “RADIAN: Supporting Community-Led Initiatives in the HIV Response in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”.

RADIAN is a ground-breaking partnership between the Elton John AIDS Foundation and Gilead Sciences aimed at purposefully reducing new HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths in the EECA region, where AIDS-related deaths have increased by 32% over the last 10 years.

As part of the symposium, the Elton John AIDS Foundation announced a call for concept submissions for the “Urgent Needs” competition for 24 months. The facilitators, organizers and speakers present during the symposium included representatives of the WHO, the Elton John Foundation and Gilead Sciences, activists from the EECA region, as well as ECOM, AFEW Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz Indigo, and the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association.

Daniyar Orsekov, ECOM’s Advocacy Coordinator, provided an overview of ECOM’s regional project and presented the inspiring results achieved thus far. The project began in 2020 as a response to the failure to include trans* people in the HIV response, the lack of strategic information about the HIV epidemic among trans* communities in EECA, the low levels of awareness about HIV in trans* communities, transphobia and discrimination in society, as well as to the pathological approach to service delivery at the state level.

"Trans*Map in EECA" is the first trans-oriented regional project that is trans-leading from design, to implementation to monitoring and evaluation. The project aims to expand and strengthen HIV services for trans* people in EECA countries through community mobilization and the creation of an enabling environment, and directly impacts the implementation of comprehensive, trans-competent public health services. The project is implemented by ECOM in five EECA countries with the participation of six national partners.

The achievements of the regional project obtained thus far were listed and presented visually:
  • 5 countries have recognized trans* people as a key population in the HIV response;
  • The rules for the participation of trans* communities in decision-making bodies have changed in 5 countries;
  • 4 protocols for bio-behavioral studies and assessments of the population size of trans* communities have been developed; 2 further needs assessment studies are pending on trans men and non-binary people and HIV;
  • A regional, model comprehensive package of trans-competent HIV services for transgender people was developed;
  • 50 trans* activists were trained in 14 HIV leadership schools based on the module created by ECOM;
  • 6 organizations developed advocacy plans and fundraising strategies, and significantly increased organizational budgets for trans activities;
  • 100 public health experts were sensitized on the rights and needs of trans* people based on the trans-competency module created by ECOM;
  • A regional media campaign #mupohozhu, the first of its kind in EECA, was conducted on TikTok and Instagram, reaching 600,000 people in the general population.

Along with his presentation at the satellite symposium, Daniyar also presented an electronic poster version of "Comprehensive package of HIV interventions for transgender people in Eastern Europe and Central Asia", a unique product of regional significance, during the plenary of the 24th International AIDS Conference. You can find the poster here.


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