
ECOM Selected for the Second Time as Global Fund's Provider of Technical Assistance in EECA region

Сентябрь 13, 2023
Логотип ECOM для новостей
ECOM's technical assistance became one of the most demanded in the EECA region in 2020–2023, as part of the program that provides assistance through the Global Fund's CRG Strategic Initiative. For the second time, the Global Fund selected ECOM as a prequalified provider of technical assistance in the region for 2024–2026.

“The fact that we were selected again speaks about the highest quality of our work. We're pleased to announce that over the next three years we'll have the opportunity to provide technical assistance to communities in the EECA region,” says Elena German, Capacity Building Coordinator at ECOM.

Over the past three years, ECOM has implemented 13 cases, three of which are still in the process of implementation. We have held National Dialogues in Kazakhstan, Georgia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, and Armenia is next.

“This way we can help our communities defend their interests in national grants of the Global Fund, and this is one of ECOM’s priorities — helping communities advocate for sustainability and good access to quality HIV services,” says Elena German.

ECOM's technical assistance was also aimed at creating training modules that remain in countries and are still being used. ECOM's unique cost-calculation approach provides communities with a tool to estimate the financial resources needed for HIV programs under a three-year Global Fund grant.

“We're pleased that ECOM’s experience in collaborating with partner organizations and developing materials was highly appreciated and allowed us to become a prequalified provider of the Global Fund for the second time in a very competitive environment,” adds Elena German.

It is also important to note that today ECOM's expertise is available to all communities, not just LGBT people. Over the past three years, ECOM has implemented the following cases: with a community of former prisoners in Kazakhstan, injection drug users in Moldova, sex workers in Azerbaijan, etc.

For more information on what kinds of assistance communities can request, follow the link.

Since 2020, ECOM — Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity, within the technical assistance program “Communities, Rights and Gender” (CRG), has been a prequalified provider and assisted civil society and organizations in their participation in the Global Fund's activities.


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