
ECOM Team is Growing

Декабрь 14, 2016
Логотип ECOM для новостей
ECOM Team is Growing
Yuri Yoursky has been appointed as ECOM’s Legal Issues Advocacy Officer.

“As a professional working with several LGBT community organizations of Ukraine, Yuri gained success in establishing good cooperation between different organizations and stakeholders,” remarked ECOM’s Executive Director, Vitaly Djuma.

As program director of Ukrainian Public Organisation “Gay Alliance Ukraine”, Yuri was responsible for several projects related to protection of LGBT rights, and increasing public awareness of fundamental rights. In 2015, Yuri joined the organizing committee of the annual National Conference of LGBT-Movement and MSM-service of Ukraine.

Legal Issues Advocacy Officer will deal with the legal aspects of ECOM’s advocacy strategy to ensure an increased access of MSM and Trans*people to HIV services in EECA.

Yuri can be reached by email at: Yuri Yoursky will begin work after January, 1, 2017.


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