
ECOM to launch new identity

Ноябрь 16, 2015
Логотип ECOM для новостей
Eurasian Coalition on Male Health is launching its new visual identity. From 16 November 2015 onwards ECOM has changed its visual appearance, being used on the website and in social media.

“The power of ECOM is the power of its members – both diverse and united. And, so is the new design,” Executive Director Mr. Vitaly Djuma said.

New logotype of the coalition consists of six basic colors and the line, stating coalition’s name either in English or in Russian.

“We have chosen vivid colors to emphasize the positive output, we are hoping to reach by our activities, addressing human rights, discrimination and male health issues in the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia,” Mr. Djuma added.

Further information:

Ivan Lavrentjev

ECOM’s Communications Officer

+372 53 877 840


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