
ECOM Welcomes Three New Members

Сентябрь 19, 2016
Логотип ECOM для новостей
The Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM) is happy to welcome three new member organizations. The decision to admit the new members was made by ECOM's Steering Committee on September, 12, 2016.

The three new members include:

Association of HIV affected women and their families Demetra, Vilnius, Lithuania

Demetra has been involved in HIV advocacy and has offered testing services since 2000. Since 2015, Demetra has also carried out a project targeting MSM to provide rapid HIV/STI testing, counselling, condoms and lubricants, and peer-to-peer and psychological support.

T9 NSK initiative group of trans*people and their close ones, Novosibirsk, Russia

The T9 NSK service project for transgender people was launched in January 2015. However, special events dealing with trans* topics (film screenings, psychological counseling and social support, informational seminars on gender identity, etc) have been conducted within the scope of the PULSAR-Novosibirsk project since 2009.

LAVERNA initiative group of trans*people, Omsk, Russia

In January 2016, a quantative and qualitative survey on the current situation of trans*people in the Siberian Federal District was launched. In cooperation with the Trans*people Legal Aid project, the group is monitoring discrimination cases dealing with trans*people.

At the moment, ECOM consist of 58 members from 13 countries. The full members list can be found here.


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