
ECOM’s Members, Partners to Confirm the General Direction of Regional Concept Note

Ноябрь 24, 2015
Логотип ECOM для новостей
ECOM’s Members, Partners to Confirm the General Direction of Regional Concept Note
The Regional Dialogue Consultation Meeting organized by the Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM) was held in Istanbul, Turkey, on November 16-17, 2015.

The meeting attracted more than 60 participants, representing civil society organizations, governmental structures from the EECA region, working with MSM, bisexuals, sex workers and other key populations, vulnerable to HIV. The participants lauded the event’s cooperative spirit. “ECOM is a relatively young network. The support of such significant institutions, including UN agencies and the Global Fund, is, no doubt, important and inspiring,” stated ECOM’s Steering Committee Chairman, Mr. Evgeny Sorokoumov.

“The meeting was fruitful, as it brought together high-level experts, well aware of the needs of key populations’ in their countries,” said ECOM’s SC member, Mr. Oleg Eryomin. So, the great potential of the coalition’s members has been confirmed and will contribute to the success of the regional program.

Specific clarifications on the proposed activities have been received, and new directions have been proposed. In particular, the discussions highlighted the need to support the development of communities of transgender people, as well as subgroups of PLWH and sex workers in MSM and transgender people communities. "Following the consultation, I see increased activity of organizations and initiatives of the transgender community, it's certainly one of the achievements of the event," Mr. Sorokoumov added.

The importance of collaboration and partnerships between communities, NGOs, and government agencies was highlighted. "It is important that community-based organizations along with the government start to work on this grant, then it will be easier to obtain favorable conditions for the implementation of activities in the country," Mr. Eryomin said.

Recommendations collected during the consultation will be used in the preparation of the program concept note, which will be presented on December 11, 2015

Presentations and other consultation materials will be published on ECOM’s website:

The consultation photo gallery can be found on  ECOM’s Facebook page.

The meeting was held in co-operation with the Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) and is supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).


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