At the end of February, the first meeting of the new ECOM Steering Committee, which had been elected for a three-year term, took place. This meeting marked the beginning of the work of the new Steering Committee members, and it was important because that was when the new Steering Committee familiarized itself with all the work procedures of the coalition.
During the three-day meeting, ECOM presented its new strategic plan for 2022–2026 and financial strategy to the Steering Committee. Also at this meeting, members of the Steering Committee became acquainted with representatives of the ECOM Secretariat, who presented their work plans for 2023. In addition, during the event, members of the Steering Committee held a meeting with some members of ECOM, and also approved ECOM's position document on the draft law on foreign agents in Georgia.

An important event at the first meeting of the new committee members was electing the chairman of the Steering Committee. Vitaly Vinogradov, who had been the chairman in the previous composition of the Steering Committee, was elected to this position:
"For me, being the chairman of the Steering Committee of ECOM is very important and responsible, and I am grateful to my colleagues for their trust. As the chairman of the Steering Committee, I will try to do my best to ensure that ECOM continues to support LGBT communities, that within the community we support each other and do everything possible to improve the lives of LGBT people for the better. And I am glad that, together with the other members of the Steering Committee, I have the opportunity to further strengthen the potential and influence of ECOM in the EECA region," Vitaly said.
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