The Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM) presents the results of its “Study on the Attitudes of Staff of Key Social Services of Five Countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia”.
The goal of the study is to assess the attitudes towards LGBT people of representatives of three key professional groups: medical and social workers, as well as police. It was carried out in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, and Macedonia, under the program “Right to Health” with support from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. 712 people were surveyed for the study between June and October 2017.
The assessment evaluated two components: respondents’ personal attitudes towards LGBT people and respondents’ assessment of the attitudes of members of their professional group towards LGBT people. An analysis of the attitudes towards homosexuality as such helps to form a preliminary view of the respondents’ personal attitudes towards LGBT people.
The results of the study showed that health and social workers have a positive or neutral attitude towards LGBT people. Police officers have mostly negative views of homosexuality. Meanwhile, social workers have the most positive attitudes towards LGBT people. It can be assumed that this is largely due to the specifics of their work: more than half of the health and social workers surveyed provide counseling on HIV/STI prevention, and slightly less than half have had LGBT clients/patients seek assistance from them personally.
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