
Call for consultants: Description of cooperation models between communities and development of a coordination manual for community organizations in EECA

Май 26, 2017
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Call for consultants: Description of cooperation models between communities and development of a coordination manual for community organizations in EECA
The Eurasian Coalition for Male Health (ECOM) is looking for a consultant(s) to describe models of cooperation and develop a coordination manual for community organizations of: gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM) and Trans* people; People who use drugs (PUD) and people living with HIV (PLHIV). This work will be carried out within the framework of the regional project "Money Can Buy Health If You Budget For It".

Regional project "Money Can Buy Health If You Budget For It" The project, supported by the Robert Carr Fund for civil society networks (RCNF), is implemented by the Eurasian Regional Consortium, which brings together three regional networks: the Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN), representing the needs of the PUD; The Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM), representing the needs of MSM and Trans* people, and the East European and Central Asian Association of People Living with HIV (ECUO), representing the needs of PLHIV.

The consortium collaborates with and builds capacity of inadequately served populations (ISP) communities in EECA to advocate governments and donors to invest in services along the HIV care continuum that ISP prioritize themselves.

In March 2017, a call for proposals was announced for consortiums of community organizations in three countries: Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Estonia. Selected consortia of local partners – community organizations will be responsible for the following areas:

Selected consortia of local partners – community organizations – will be responsible for:

  • Support, both within the program and after it ends, of advocacy by the community of PWUD, PLWH and MSM and transgender people for sufficient, strategic and sustainable investments in HIV care continuum services in their country.
  • Building capacity of community groups to enhance their potential to advocate for access to HIV care continuum services
  • Build advocacy capacity and regular communication within community organizations and initiative groups.

To effectively achieve these objectives, organizations, consortium members will need to strengthen coordination among themselves, as well as with other players at the national and local levels. To support national consortia in strengthening cooperation, the Eurasian Regional Consortium is looking for a consultant(s).

Scope of work

  1. Analyze past experience of communities coordination at the country level in the EECA region, examine the differences in these interactions across the sub-regions, describe the strengths and weaknesses of these models of interaction (agreeing on common position, information flaw, dissemination of common resources, alliances and discrepancies), Best practices, lessons learned, and factors that led to them over the past 5 years (in this analysis it is advised to use models from social psychology);
  2. Develop a manual for cooperation and coordination between communities, which will include recommendations for the creation and implementation of country tools and mechanisms as possible models for deepening cooperation for common advocacy purposes;
  3. To pilot the manual at the regional training on its implementation (training is scheduled for July 2017);
  4. Provide a report upon completion of the assignment.

To collect data for this assignment, the consultant(s) will conduct several interviews with the leaders of various communities in the region, analyze the documents that the communities have developed and adopted jointly, etc.


All works must be completed by July 30, 2017.

The assignment should commence no later than June 12.

The first draft of the manual, which also includes the concept of training in coordination, should be provided to ECOM no later than July 3, 2017.

Comments on the first draft will be provided within 5 working days (until July 10).

The final draft of the manual and the training concept should be submitted to ECOM by July 17, 2017.

Piloting of application of the manual will take place during the regional training on cooperation and coordination on July 24-26, 2017 in Tallinn, Estonia.

The schedule of the consultant's work should be flexible and not exceed 12 working days during the period from June 12 to July 30, 2017.

Expected results and performance evaluation

  1. The experience of cooperation and coordination between the communities of PUD, PLHIV, MSM and Trans* people in EECA countries is studied, the strengths and weaknesses of interaction are identified, best practices and lessons learned are described and available for consortiums in the form of the manual;
  2. The description and analysis of practices is integrated into the concept of training on the implementation of the manual;
  3. The manual is piloted at the regional training on cooperation and coordination;
  4. The manual includes the regional report on cooperation and coordination between communities for improved governance in HIV;
  5. The manual summarizes analytical papers on cooperation and coordination among communities for improved HIV governance.
  6. A short report of the consultant on the completed assignment is produced: from 4 to 6 pages (A-4, Calibri, size 11).

Main contact person for this task in ECOM will be Paata Sabelashvili - Advocacy Coordinator. He will also be in charge of evaluating and accepting works of the consultant(s).

Remuneration and compensation

A service contract will be signed between the consultant and ECOM, according to which ECOM will not be liable for the payment of any taxes by the consultant. The consultant performs all the necessary tax and other type of payments by the law of the country of residence of the consultant.

The amount of remuneration is the subject of negotiations between the applicant and ECOM prior to signing contract. The work schedule of the consultant should be flexible and not exceed 12 working days.



  • Experience in working with community organizations and their consortia in the EECA region or outside it, as a staff of the organization or a consultant.
  • Experience in providing technical support to NGOs during the last 3 years.
  • Experience in assessing the capacity of NGOs and planning their organizational development.
  • Good analytical skills in the field of community mobilization.
  • Experience in compiling manuals for communities.
  • Good skills in preparation of the concept and module for training.
  • Good knowledge of English and Russian.


  • Higher education in social sciences.
  • Work experience in NGOs working in the field of HIV and/or sexual health.
  • Knowledge of the national languages ​​of the countries in which the regional program is implemented.

Application process

Applications are accepted only from physical persons (individually or in a group). Interested parties must submit their application via e-mail, specifying in the subject "Consultancy for communities coordination". The letter should be sent to:

The deadline for applications is June 9, 2017, 23:59 Eastern European time.

The application must contain:

  1. A cover letter that includes summary of the background clearly showcasing the consultant's experience/expertise required.
  2. A short offer (no more than 2 pages) describing the proposed methodology, the schedule of the consultant(s) works, the number of days and the daily rate of the consultant(s).

ECOM does not return received files.

Only candidates who meet the requirements presented in this announcement will be notified of the results of selection of their offers.

In case of questions on this announcement, please contact Paata Sabelashvili, ECOM's Advocate of Advocacy, via e-mail:

Call for consultants



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