
Several Important Events to Take Place Prior to The UN High-Level Meeting on AIDS

Март 24, 2016
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The UN High-Level Meeting on AIDS (HLM) will be held 8-10 June.  Through the HLM the international community can demonstrate commitment to accelerating the HIV response with the goal of ending the AIDS epidemic.

In advance of the meeting there is an important opportunity to encourage governments to develop an HLM Political Declaration with new and bold commitments for treatment and prevention scale up, human rights, community engagement, and increased financing.

Here is a brief calendar of some upcoming HLM events:

  • Secretary General’s Report for the HLM - 1 April.  The UN Secretary General will issue a report on progress in addressing HIV.  The report will be public and will inform government dialogues and negotiations on the Political Declaration.  (The Report released on the 1st will be the advance unedited version in English, with an official report in six languages coming on 29 April).
  • Civil Society Hearing - 6 April, New York.  The agenda and speakers list for the Hearing was approved last week and at  The discussions will be captured in a report of the hearing that is presented to Member States, alongside the Secretary General's report, for consideration in advance of the Political Declaration negotiations.  Pre-registration was required to attend the Hearing and closed in February.  Over 900 people have been invited, with over 150 acceptances thus far.   (There will be a side event on Gay/MSM issues on 5 April.)
  • Political Declaration Zero draft release – mid April.  The HLM Co-Facilitators, the Swiss and Zambian Ambassadors, will share the zero draft (the “first draft”) of the Political Declaration with Member States.  From this time onward civil society can advocate with governments (at UN missions in New York and national capitals) for specific modifications or additions in the Declaration draft.
  • High Level Meeting – 8-10 June, New York.   Negotiations on the Political Declaration may continue through the HLM to finalize agreement on the text. There will also be five thematic panels (the titles of the panels have not yet been finalized).  Pre-registration was required to attend the HLM and closed in February.  Invitations to the HLM will be sent in the coming weeks.  There will also be several side events alongside the HLM.

There are a lot of ways to be involved in the HLM, including working with your own government to advocate for particular language in the Political Declaration, seeking to ensure that Civil Society representatives are included in your country’s HLM delegation, and joining with other advocates around priority areas.

ICASO is working with a coalition of civil society groups on various aspects of the HLM and can be reached at  ICASO has prepared a background paper on the HLM and ways to engage, here.


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