
Maxim Kasianczuk Appointed as ECOM’s Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator

Сентябрь 01, 2016
Логотип ECOM для новостей
Maxim Kasianczuk Appointed as ECOM’s Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator
The Eurasian Coalition on Male Health is pleased to announce that Maxim Kasianczuk was appointed as Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator.

“Maxim has extensive academic experience and has established himself as a high-level expert on MSM, LGBT, HIV/AIDS and on human rights issues in Ukraine and other countries of the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region,” remarked ECOM’s Executive Director, Vitaly Djuma.

Photo: courtesy of ECOM

In 2004, Maxim founded the first-ever HIV-service organization for MSM in Donetsk, Ukraine, where he carried out his first field research on gay subcultures in Donetsk. Maxim served as an associate professor at the Mariupol State University in Ukraine and acts as a consultant for NGOs and international organizations in countries of the EECA region, including Ukraine, Moldova, and Tajikistan. He is a member of two expert advisory bodies of the LGBT movement and MSM services in Ukraine (Expert Group on Rights and Health of LGBT, M&E working group of the International HIV / AIDS Alliance in Ukraine). Maxim holds a PhD and has authored 200 publications.

The Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator will provide leadership and guidance on M&E for ECOM’s programs. He will also ensure effective development and management of ECOM’s M&E system.

Maxim can be reached by email at: Maxim Kasianczuk is taking the office on September, 15, 2016.


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