ECOM is proud to announce a new resource for trainers of the MSM Implementation Toolkit (MSMIT).
After a series of grassroots workshops aimed to introduce community organizers and health providers to the MSMIT, ECOM and our partners in the region recognized the need for a Training of Trainers (ToT) manual to help introduce the larger MSMIT tool to communities.
The ToT manual is full of rich case studies and examples specific to the EECA region. The case studies address examples of police harassment, discrimination in institutional settings, and violence in public and family settings as well as from nationalist groups.
The manual was originally crafted by ECOM in Russian with support of UNFPA EECARO to ensure access across the region and translated into English with support from MSMGF so that its lessons might also be made available to an even broader global community
MSMIT is a detailed toolkit on designing HIV programs among MSM based on WHO recommendations.
ECOM’s MSMIT ToT Manual gives the chance to present MSMIT coherently, piece by piece, or to choose the most interesting questions and to discuss them in detail having presented the overall context of MSMIT briefly.
ECOM will introduce MSMIT to its members and partners, offering it as a tool for cooperation between the organizations of community and governments, including advocacy. ECOM will also introduce it as a frame for the planning of community organizations work on providing health services and protection of the rights for gays and others MSM trough its projects and through the small grants programme.
A Tool for Training Trainers
ECOM’s ToT Manual was developed to help the MSMIT be even more accessible for communities who intend to provide trainings to introduce the MSMIT. The goal of the module is to provide guidance on the structure, organization and contents of short-term workshops to introduce MSMIT.
The objective of the Training Module is to:
- Offer trainers a system for consistent rendering of the topics contained in the Toolkit
- Suggest to trainers which topics and issues they should focus on to encourage further independent study of MSMIT by workshop participants
- Help trainers to define and present practical usability of the Toolkit at different levels and in various areas related to MSM and LGBT
- Suggest techniques to modify the training program depending on the level of competence, needs and number of participants
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